Our spot

It’s nothing fancy or frilly, it’s a little rusty actually. It’s simply where we hang out in the summer, listen to our favorite music, share our favorite wine, munch on our favorite snacks, you puff on your cigars while I paint my latest creation. It’s what we do there in our spot.

I let the dogs out this morning like I always do. It dawned on me that this spot, our spot…just isn’t the same without you. So yes it makes me sad but rather than mope I promise to keep your Bustelo can (ash tray) just where you left it. I’ll continue to paint out there, I’ll continue to play our favorite music and maybe even have some wine. I’ll stand out there at night and in the morning (when I let the dogs out) knowing that we share the same sun, the same moon and stars. They pass over me like they will pass over you. I’ll be here still in our little spot waiting for you.

Published by Maria Sanchez


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